Deep Cleansing Enzyme Shampoo for All Hair Types
НазначениеAll types of hair, Normal hair, Dry and damaged, Greasy hair, Cleansing
Deep Repair Shampoo for Dry, Brittle and Splitting Hair
Назначение Strengthening and restoration, Gloss and Smoothness, Dry and damaged, Cleansing
Instant Transformation Shampoo for Normal Hair
Назначение Strengthening and restoration, Gloss and Smoothness, Bulk, Normal hair, Cleansing
Anti-Cellulite Icy Body Scrub with Sea Salt
НазначениеCleansing, Toning, Moisturizing, Anti-Cellulite action
Daily Cleansing Micellar Shampoo for Hair Prone to Greasiness
НазначениеGloss and Smoothness, Bulk, Greasy hair, Cleansing